

ELO-X: Embedded Learning and Optimization for the neXt generation of smart industrial control systems



Network coordinator:


Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl

Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)

University of Freiburg
Georges-Koehler-Allee 102
79110 Freiburg, Germany

Network managers:


Network partners

University of Freiburg – Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)

EPFL – Automatic Control Laboratory

ETH Zürich – Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control

KU Leuven – Departments of Electrical Engineering and of Mechanical Engineering


Politecnico di Milano – Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering

Polytechnic University of Bucharest – Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering

Robert Bosch GmbH – Corporate Research

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Tool-Temp AG


Associated partners

Argonne National Laboratory, USA (Dr. Sven Leyffer)

Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, USA (Dr. Stefano Di Cairano)

Kyoto University, Japan (Prof. Toshiyuki Ohtsuka)

Otto von Guericke Universtaet Magdeburg, Germany (Prof. Sebastian Sager)

ShanghaiTech University, China (Prof. Boris Houska)

Stanford University, USA (Prof. Stephen Boyd)

University College London, UK (Prof. Zhibin Li)

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (Prof. James Rawlings)